A house move…

It’s been a few weeks since i posted a blog on Wuthering but at least i do not have myself to entirely blame, the process of buying a new house…and then deciding what to fill it with is not necessarily the easiest thing to be dealing with at the weekends alongside recipe developing and photos. If you’re nosy and love a bit of interior and design snooping you can see my Pinterest Boards on what we’re trying to achieve, let me know what you think of the Kitchen plans, i feel i may have convinced hubby that the ongoing trend of copper and teal is indeed essential ;)!

After coming home night after night after working all day and going through numerous homeware online shops and putting confirmed items on a spreadsheet ready to buy after exchange everyday is tiresome but, would rather the planning be over with so we can just get home to the house and fill it with wonderful things.

Gluten Free blog uk, gluten free blogger, lifestyle blog uk, lifestyle blogger, gluten free, Goats Cheese, Almond Pesto, Stuffed Chicken


As you can imagine from all of the above, dinners have been stressful so we’ve found an undying love for things like pesto which can be made up in advance, and is so wonderfully adaptable for any type of meal. This dish can be made in a variety of ways, with chicken thighs for a midweek meal, in chicken breasts for a romantic dinner for two or at the weekend with all the family stuffed into a large chicken for an alternative spring roast.

Gluten Free blog uk, gluten free blogger, lifestyle blog uk, lifestyle blogger, gluten free, Goats Cheese, Almond Pesto, Stuffed Chicken


Of course without the meat, this pesto is great tossed through steamed new potatoes or in a potato salad, pasta, rice. Fresh, tangy and delicious, i highly recommend you give it a try!

Gluten Free blog uk, gluten free blogger, lifestyle blog uk, lifestyle blogger, gluten free, Goats Cheese, Almond Pesto, Stuffed Chicken


Gluten Free Goats Cheese and Chunky Almond Pesto Stuffed Chicken

 Serves 2.

I’ve based this recipe on the thighs version but you can use the same amount for Chicken Breasts but i would double for stuffing a whole chicken.

A bunch of Watercress and/or Rocket (about 35g)

8 Large Basil Leaves

2-3 Large Garlic Cloves

20ml Rapeseed or Olive Oil

30g of Roughly Chopped Almonds

Salt and Pepper

4 Chicken Thighs

50g Goats Cheese cut into 4 pieces

4 Slices of Parma Ham or Proscuitto (Optional)

Preheat oven to 200 degrees C.

Pop the watercress, rocket, basil and garlic cloves into a food processor and whizz until well combined.

Add in the rapeseed or olive oil and give a small further blitz.

Mix in the roughly chopped almonds and season to taste with salt and pepper. Lemon zest is also great to add here.

Lay out your Chicken Thighs flat on a roasting dish lined with tin foil.

Place pesto in the center of the chicken thighs and top each with a slice of goats cheese.

Using some toothpicks to hold the thighs together, wrap them into a ball and season on top with Salt and pepper and a bit of oil.

If using, wrap around the parma ham or proscuitto slices around each one.

Drizzle a tiny bit of oil over the dish and pop straight into the oven for 30 minutes.

Serving Suggestions/Meal alternatives:

Serve with Salad, New Potatoes, Rice, Champ or buttered Quinoa.

Use the pesto with chicken thighs for a midweek meal…

In Chicken breasts for a romantic dinner for two or at the weekend

With all the family stuffed into a large chicken for an alternative spring roast. 

Or without the meat, this pesto is great tossed through steamed new potatoes or in a potato salad, pasta, rice.